On this page
The Recruitment Trends and Employers Needs Profiles provide an update on recruitment activity at the state and territory level, and for all 51 Employment Regions.
Profiles include:
- trends in the Internet Vacancy Index
- top 10 advertised jobs
- job ads by skill level breakdown
- data from the Recruitment Experiences and Outlook Survey:
- proportion of employers recruiting
- difficulty in recruiting
- reasons for recruitment (new positions or to replace staff)
- staffing outlook
- methods employers used to advertise their positions.
Profiles also incorporate data from other sources:
Latest release date: April 2024
Next release date: October 2024
Recruitment snapshot Illawarra South Coast
Recruitment snapshot Illawarra South Coast.pdf230619
DownloadRecruitment snapshot New England and North West
Recruitment snapshot New England and North West.pdf230498
DownloadRecruitment snapshot Sydney Greater West
Recruitment snapshot Sydney Greater West.pdf231911
DownloadRecruitment snapshot Sydney North and West
Recruitment snapshot Sydney North and West.pdf231167
DownloadCombined - Recruitment snapshot New South Wales
Combined - Recruitment snapshot New South Wales.pdf1871406
DownloadRecruitment snapshot Inner Metropolitan Melbourne
Recruitment snapshot Inner Metropolitan Melbourne.pdf232303
DownloadRecruitment snapshot North Eastern Melbourne
Recruitment snapshot North Eastern Melbourne.pdf233484
DownloadRecruitment snapshot North Western Melbourne
Recruitment snapshot North Western Melbourne.pdf234386
DownloadRecruitment snapshot South Coast of Victoria
Recruitment snapshot South Coast of Victoria.pdf234300
DownloadRecruitment snapshot South Eastern Melbourne and Peninsula
Recruitment snapshot South Eastern Melbourne and Peninsula.pdf233712
DownloadCombined - Recruitment snapshot Victoria
Combined - Recruitment snapshot Victoria.pdf1926549
DownloadRecruitment snapshot Brisbane South East
Recruitment snapshot Brisbane South East.pdf232578
DownloadRecruitment snapshot Wide Bay and Sunshine Coast
Recruitment snapshot Wide Bay and Sunshine Coast.pdf235156
DownloadCombined - Recruitment snapshot Queensland
Combined - Recruitment snapshot Queensland.pdf1688129
DownloadRecruitment snapshot Murray and South East
Recruitment snapshot Murray and South East.pdf231323
DownloadRecruitment snapshot North West Country SA
Recruitment snapshot North West Country SA.pdf231745
DownloadCombined - Recruitment snapshot South Australia
Combined - Recruitment snapshot South Australia.pdf954919
DownloadRecruitment snapshot Hobart and Southern Tasmania
Recruitment snapshot Hobart and Southern Tasmania.pdf230994
DownloadRecruitment snapshot North and North Western Tasmania
Recruitment snapshot North and North Western Tasmania.pdf229955
DownloadCombined - Recruitment snapshot Tasmania
Combined - Recruitment snapshot Tasmania.pdf499146
DownloadAbout the data
Documents explain data sources used and advice on how to interpret the data.
Contact details
For further information on the dashboards and/or profiles please contact RegionalWorkforceAssessment@jobsandskills.gov.au.