Online job advertisements continue to drop

Online job ads decreased in April, down by 3.2% or 7,800 in seasonally adjusted terms, a 3% decrease on the March figures.

Though job vacancies remain about 40% higher than in 2019, they have decreased in 10 of the past 12 months.

Online vacancy numbers, measured by the Internet Vacancy Index, were down across all states and territories, and all major occupation and skill level groups.

Job advertisements decreased the most in capital cities over the year, down by 14.6%, compared to an 11.4% decrease in regional Australia.

Monthly spotlight: Transforming climate concern into critical careers

It's National Careers Week and the theme for 2024 is “Career. It’s more than a job”. Environmental Scientists are a great example of this. 

The current long-term growth trend in job ads for Environmental Scientists appears to be on a stable upward trajectory, as is employment.

Over the 10 years to April 2024, internet vacancies seeking Environmental Scientists increased by 361(or 480), far more than the 72.8% increase in vacancies across all occupations over this period.

Research suggests this expertise will play a crucial role in major shifts such as the clean energy transition.