In the June Occupation Shortage Report (formerly the Skills Shortage Quarterly report*), we examine fill rates and hourly earnings and unpack some insights on the similarities and differences between occupation groups.
We see that from 2014 to 2023, Managers and Professionals experienced above average and increasing hourly earnings. However, while the fill rates for Managers remained above average, the fill rates for Professionals have declined and stayed well below average since 2021.
Over the same period, Technicians and Trades Workers also experienced rising hourly earnings, although their pay remains below average. Even with these wage increases, fill rates for this major occupation group have remained very low. This suggests that raising wages slightly may not be enough to counteract the declining fill rates for occupations with below average pay.
The report shows that the overall fill rate for occupations over the June quarter increased 1.7 percentage points, reaching 66.2%, in line with signs of softening labour market conditions.
We also see more pronounced skill shortage pressures in regional areas with a fill rate of 61.3% compared to the metropolitan rate of 68%.
And for the first time since the September 2021 quarter, the fill rate for Skill Level 3 occupations exceeded 50%.
Read more in the full report.
*The Skills Priority List will also be re-named the Occupation Shortage List. The next release and more information are coming soon.