Have your say: Foundation Skills Study

This story was first published on Tuesday 4 April 2023.

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Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) wants to hear your views on the design of a new national study on adult literacy, numeracy, and digital skills by providing feedback on our Foundation Skills Study Discussion Paper.

A lack of basic literacy or numeracy skills, or both, often results in exclusion from education, training, and secure work, as well as difficulty engaging in society more broadly. The most recent national data available on adult foundation skills is more than a decade old. Collated back in 2011-2012, a survey conducted by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) found increasing the literacy level of a country by 1% leads to a 2.5% rise in labour productivity and a 1.5% increase in GDP per head.

Public consultation on this discussion paper is an opportunity to work together and help JSA understand what is important for the design and implementation of the Foundation Skills Study. Getting the design right is critical to ensuring the study delivers on the promise of building an evidence base for foundation skills in Australia.

The discussion paper is now open for consultation. Submissions will close at 5pm AEST Monday 24 April 2023. JSA welcomes and encourages feedback on the discussion paper from interested parties.


For further information read about the Foundation Skills Study