On this page
The monthly Labour Market Dashboards combine a range of data sources from Jobs and Skills Australia, Department of Social Services (DSS) and Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) at the national, state and territory level, and for all 51 Employment Regions. Dashboards include:
- key labour market indicators
- 5-year employment time series
- 5-year unemployment rate (%) time series
- largest employing industries in a region
- Department of Social Services job seeker income support payments
- Local Government Area unemployment rates
- number of internet job advertisements
- occupations in demand in a region.
Latest release date: December 2024
Next release date: January 2025
Monthly labour market dashboard PowerBI applications
Beta PowerBI applications for national, state and territory and all 51 Employment Region dashboards are now available (July 2024 release onwards). These applications incorporate existing data from the monthly PDF dashboards. In time, these applications will replace the PDF version of the monthly labour market dashboards. The applications can be accessed through the links below.
Additional labour market dashboards
From the July 2023 release onwards alternative dashboards for select Employment Regions (Broome, Esperance, Geraldton, Kalgoorlie, North Coast and North West Country SA) are provided due to poor Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4) proxies for these regions. Given the relevant SA4s can only provide poor proxies for these Employment Regions, Jobs and Skills Australia Small Area Labour Markets (SALM) Statistical Area Level 2 (SA2) data have been used for select labour market indicators (labour force, unemployment and the unemployment rate) and Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 2021 Census data for the largest employing industries, in lieu of ABS Labour Force data. For Employment Regions with multiple SA2s (Geraldton, Kalgoorlie, North Coast and North West Country SA), aggregated Small Area Labour Markets labour force and unemployment estimates have been used to derive unemployment rates for these Employment Regions.
While Small Area Labour Markets and ABS Census data are not as current as the monthly ABS labour force data, they provide more accurate labour market indicators for these specific regions. Dashboards will be updated on a monthly basis noting the frequency of data updates vary depending on individual data releases:
- Internet Vacancy Index (updated monthly)
- DSS income support data (updated monthly)
- Small Area Labour Markets data (updated quarterly)
- ABS Census data will remain unchanged.
Revised - Labour Market Dashboard Broome.pdf
Revised - Labour Market Dashboard Broome.pdf148921
DownloadRevised - Labour Market Dashboard Esperance.pdf
Revised - Labour Market Dashboard Esperance.pdf148947
DownloadRevised - Labour Market Dashboard Geraldton.pdf
Revised - Labour Market Dashboard Geraldton.pdf148986
DownloadRevised - Labour Market Dashboard Kalgoorlie.pdf
Revised - Labour Market Dashboard Kalgoorlie.pdf148642
DownloadRevised - Labour Market Dashboard North Coast.pdf
Revised - Labour Market Dashboard North Coast.pdf149274
DownloadRevised - Labour Market Dashboard North West Country SA.pdf
Revised - Labour Market Dashboard North West Country SA.pdf149437
Labour Market Dashboard New South Wales.pdf
Labour Market Dashboard New South Wales.pdf82939
DownloadLabour Market Dashboard Far West Orana.pdf
Labour Market Dashboard Far West Orana.pdf149775
DownloadLabour Market Dashboard Illawarra South Coast.pdf
Labour Market Dashboard Illawarra South Coast.pdf150468
DownloadLabour Market Dashboard Mid North Coast.pdf
Labour Market Dashboard Mid North Coast.pdf150202
DownloadLabour Market Dashboard Murray Riverina.pdf
Labour Market Dashboard Murray Riverina.pdf149751
DownloadLabour Market Dashboard New England and North West.pdf
Labour Market Dashboard New England and North West.pdf150384
DownloadLabour Market Dashboard Sydney East Metro.pdf
Labour Market Dashboard Sydney East Metro.pdf150561
DownloadLabour Market Dashboard Sydney Greater West.pdf
Labour Market Dashboard Sydney Greater West.pdf150678
DownloadLabour Market Dashboard Sydney North and West.pdf
Labour Market Dashboard Sydney North and West.pdf150792
DownloadLabour Market Dashboard Sydney South West.pdf
Labour Market Dashboard Sydney South West.pdf150063
DownloadCombined - Labour Market Dashboard New South Wales.pdf
Combined - Labour Market Dashboard New South Wales.pdf1443757
DownloadLabour Market Dashboard Goulburn-Murray.pdf
Labour Market Dashboard Goulburn-Murray.pdf149587
DownloadLabour Market Dashboard Inner Metropolitan Melbourne.pdf
Labour Market Dashboard Inner Metropolitan Melbourne.pdf150623
DownloadLabour Market Dashboard North Eastern Melbourne.pdf
Labour Market Dashboard North Eastern Melbourne.pdf150778
DownloadLabour Market Dashboard North Western Melbourne.pdf
Labour Market Dashboard North Western Melbourne.pdf149806
DownloadLabour Market Dashboard South Coast of Victoria.pdf
Labour Market Dashboard South Coast of Victoria.pdf149801
DownloadLabour Market Dashboard South Eastern Melbourne and Peninsula.pdf
Labour Market Dashboard South Eastern Melbourne and Peninsula.pdf150488
DownloadLabour Market Dashboard Western Melbourne.pdf
Labour Market Dashboard Western Melbourne.pdf150602
DownloadLabour Market Dashboard Wimmera Mallee.pdf
Labour Market Dashboard Wimmera Mallee.pdf150337
DownloadCombined - Labour Market Dashboard Victoria.pdf
Combined - Labour Market Dashboard Victoria.pdf1454393
DownloadLabour Market Dashboard Brisbane South East.pdf
Labour Market Dashboard Brisbane South East.pdf150313
DownloadLabour Market Dashboard Wide Bay and Sunshine Coast.pdf
Labour Market Dashboard Wide Bay and Sunshine Coast.pdf150078
DownloadCombined - Labour Market Dashboard Queensland.pdf
Combined - Labour Market Dashboard Queensland.pdf1240905
DownloadLabour Market Dashboard South Australia.pdf
Labour Market Dashboard South Australia.pdf82644
DownloadLabour Market Dashboard Adelaide North.pdf
Labour Market Dashboard Adelaide North.pdf150241
DownloadLabour Market Dashboard Adelaide South.pdf
Labour Market Dashboard Adelaide South.pdf149963
DownloadLabour Market Dashboard Murray and South East.pdf
Labour Market Dashboard Murray and South East.pdf150169
DownloadCombined - Labour Market Dashboard South Australia.pdf
Combined - Labour Market Dashboard South Australia.pdf606912
DownloadLabour Market Dashboard Western Australia.pdf
Labour Market Dashboard Western Australia.pdf82857
DownloadLabour Market Dashboard Great Southern - Wheatbelt.pdf
Labour Market Dashboard Great Southern - Wheatbelt.pdf150175
DownloadCombined - Labour Market Dashboard Western Australia.pdf
Combined - Labour Market Dashboard Western Australia.pdf607691
DownloadLabour Market Dashboard Hobart and Southern Tasmania.pdf
Labour Market Dashboard Hobart and Southern Tasmania.pdf149609
DownloadLabour Market Dashboard North and North Western Tasmania.pdf
Labour Market Dashboard North and North Western Tasmania.pdf149973
DownloadCombined - Labour Market Dashboard Tasmania.pdf
Combined - Labour Market Dashboard Tasmania.pdf357323
DownloadLabour Market Dashboard Australian Capital Territory.pdf
Labour Market Dashboard Australian Capital Territory.pdf83222
DownloadLabour Market Dashboard Capital Region.pdf
Labour Market Dashboard Capital Region.pdf150521
DownloadCombined - Labour Market Dashboard Australian Capital Territory.pdf
Combined - Labour Market Dashboard Australian Capital Territory.pdf234292
Dashboards incorporate data from a range of sources:
About the data
Documents explain data sources used and advice on how to interpret the data.
Contact details
For further information on the dashboards and/or profiles please contact us by emailing regionalworkforceassessment@jobsandskills.gov.au.