Food Supply Chain Discussion Paper

We want to hear from you.

Our Food Supply Chain capacity study discussion paper is now open for consultation. The deadline for submissions has been extended to 10:00 AEST 24 May 2024.

This consultation provides an opportunity for stakeholders, interested parties, and the broader community to share their diverse views and insights on the challenges and opportunities that sit across food production, manufacturing and distribution sectors. The aim of this study is to support a workforce that can sustain regional Australia, strengthen the economy, maintain food security, and overcome challenges.

The discussion paper facilitates this process by providing brief overviews and discussion questions on a range of topics that the study will cover, helping to shape stakeholders’ submissions. Through this paper we are seeking input on:

  • a shared vision for the food supply chain workforce – what does success look like?
  • a way forward on workforce data and information – how do we measure what matters?
  • the labour market dynamics of the food supply chain – what are the issues and how should they be addressed?

Recognising the critical importance of biosecurity at all stages of the supply chain, we also welcome input specifically relating to this topic in the ‘biosecurity skills and workers’ section.

These views and insights will assist us to gather critical evidence and insights that help inform our recommendations to enhance workforce planning, policy development and program design. JSA welcomes feedback on the discussion paper from all interested parties.

The final Terms of Reference for the study were published on 18 April 2024 and are available on the JSA website. These incorporate feedback from interested stakeholders.

Making a submission

We welcome your feedback. Submissions are open until 10:00 am (AEST) on Friday 24 May 2024.

We will use the feedback on the discussion paper to inform the final report to government.

For any questions or further information please contact us at

Discussion Paper

Food Supply Chain capacity study discussion paper.pdf



Food Supply Chain capacity study discussion paper.docx



Terms of Reference

Food Supply Chain capacity study Terms of Reference.docx



Food Supply Chain capacity study Terms of Reference.pdf

