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The Australian Government commissioned Jobs and Skills Australia to undertake an independent study on the workforce needs of Australia’s food supply chain.
Consultation for the capacity study opened on 18 April and closes on 16 May 2024.
Australia has an extensive food supply chain that includes activities like food production, processing, manufacturing and distribution. This supply chain employs hundreds of thousands of Australians and provides high quality food worldwide.
The study will provide critical evidence, insights, and recommendations to support workforce planning, policy development and program design for the core components of the food supply chain workforce.
The study will support the development of a sustainable and resilient food supply chain workforce that provides safe, secure, and rewarding employment opportunities, while maintaining Australia’s position as a major producer of quality food.
This study will be underpinned by close consultation and collaboration with State and Territory governments and industry stakeholders. The study will complement the existing work of Jobs and Skills Councils, the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES), industry and others.
Final Terms of Reference
The final Terms of Reference for the study were published on the 18 April 2024 and incorporated feedback from interested stakeholders. These have now been approved by the Minister for Skills and Training, the Hon Brendan O’Connor MP.