Legislation update

This story was first published on Wednesday 29 March 2023.

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On 22 March 2023, the Australian Government introduced into Parliament the Jobs and Skills Australia Amendment Bill 2023 to establish Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) in its final form.

The Bill proposes to establish JSA with a Commissioner and Deputy Commissioners, and a Ministerial Advisory Board to engage widely to support the delivery of Jobs and Skills Australia’s work program.

The Bill also proposes expanded functions for Jobs and Skills Australia to improve the identification of labour imbalances across the economy, analyse skills demand and supply, and undertake studies to improve the understanding of Australians that have historically experienced disadvantage and exclusion in the labour market, including those marginalised by way of age, health, gender, or background.

Feedback from the Jobs and Skills Australia Discussion Paper and consultations, including views from the Jobs and Skills Summit, informed development of the Bill.

The Bill can be found on the Parliament of Australia website.

More information about the process can be found on the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations website.